Faber Books, London, 2021 Mark your calendars, bring out the champagne glasses etc because I actually enjoyed a Sally Rooney book. I know, weird, right? Usually, I like to be wooed by beautiful prose and poetic phrasing or at the very least I’d like to read sentences that are more than three words long. I love me some quotation marks, I adore long gorgeous descriptions. And yet... Few books have touched me as deeply as this one. I initially borrowed it on Libby, finished it, and since I realised I had highlighted so many passages, had to go and buy myself a physical copy. Now, this rarely happens that I want to buy a book I’ve already read, so that’s the highest praise a book can get from me. Beautiful World, Where Are You is about friendship and love, it’s about young people trying to find their place in the world, trying to find some meaning in everything that happens to them, while carrying the weight of the world on their shoulders. You know, as they do...